2020 predictions

2020 is coming upon us, and it's time to reflect on my 2019 predictions I made, and look forward to this coming year with another technology prediction.
So let's get started - first off - a lookback to see  progress in the areas I outlined, possibly no earth shattering results, but progress. 

2019 retrospective -
  1. New UX - probably not as much evolution as I would have wanted to see in this area. For now, we use windows, android, IOS, and it's pretty much the same UX as it's been for a while.
  2. IoT the simple assistant - IoT continues to be the hot area of growth. I consider this more evolution than revolution. As we see IoT based technology being embedded into more and more devices.
  3. Cloud growth advances in  astonishing speeds -
This past year all three cloud providers made strides in the cloud worth noticing. 
  • AWS entered the quantum computing market with Bracket, introduced an in-house SIEM, with GuardDuty, and Amazon Detective to help simplify investigations of potential security issues.
  • Google continues to focus on cloud analytics with their smart-analytics suit and outlined how you can adopt a hybrid using Kubernetes using Anthos. It also introduced a zero trust solution called BeyondProd which provides a secureworkstation like solution as I've outlined in my prior blogs.
  • Microsoft was the winner of the +1B JEDI contract a massive US government move to the cloud. Azure Lighthouse a solution that allow you to manage all cloud services from one interface (that means use any cloud, or on prem service, and control it from the Lighthouse service), and a massive push in the IoT realm with IoT hub innovations.
  1. Blockchain as a protocol-  have been implemented as a service by AWS, and Microsoft. Most cloud providers offer blockchain as a service if not a protocol.
  2. ML moving to mainstream- and is as mainstream as it gets. Everyone that is using it, benefits from its ability. Science is deeply embedded in using ML for discoveries and new science I can't wait to see the cure for cancer in the next few years. 
  3. Security risks continue to grow - as predicted attacks continue to show new direction and aggressiveness. Break outs attacks focused on users behavior, and 3rd party applications. As well as a substantial increase in ransomware attacks, directed at governments/townships, companies, and small companies. Of course -  in 2020 this will probably continue.
  4. VR will also continue to grow - but really did not. I don't see VR emerge as much as I expected. VR IMHO has stagnated. Maybe it's just established as a niche solution and will continue in the niche until some major hardware advancement comes about.
  5. 5G to emerge as the gold standard - The little engine that could? Is what 5G should be called. This really cool tech still lacks solid consumer ready hardware in 2019 and will be slow in 2020.
  6. Visualization and improved analysis - has emerged and continues to grow. I don't think we will hear too much innovation in this space as it's probably plateaued.
  7. New Batteries - Nope in 2019, and probably nope in 2020.

2020 Predictions
For my 2020 predictions I've reducing it to a top 5 - which will give me time to watch the trends and report back in December with more details on my accuracy of predictions in my retrospective.  So here goes -

1. 5G for everyone - finally comes about and enters the consumer market with a storm. This tech in my mind can still become the most disruptive new tech and it's finally ready for mass adoption. We may not see massive improvements at first, but eventually I think we will see 100x improvement and change how we consume cell service.

2. Next gen handsets - For the past few years we have seen little to no innovation in the cell phone market. Better camera's and maybe improved processors.. Nothing eye-opening. I predict that the trial of foldable phones and clear glass solar cell might change things up. In 2019 three foldable phones took a stab, but fell short of the mark. However this year I suspect we will see some really cool and modern applications of folding devices, as well as the introduction of clear glass solar cells in the phones that could charge your phone without obstructing it's use.

3. Cord cutting will gouge the carriers and carriers will fight back dirty - With the death of Net Neutrality in 2019 and with more and more people choosing to discontinue using their cable providers bloated overpriced services, it will drive the multi-conglomerates to play dirty. We will see fragmentation of services, micro charging and restricted data access that will make using the Internet, and watching video painful.. At least until 5G solidifies when the cell provides will become our new internet carriers in our homes.

4. New material 3d printing - I've embraced 3d printing this year and find the ability to print anything I want (or almost) which is really cool. I also tried my hand with dissolvable  PVA, which introduced an entire new dimension to the printing. If you have not seen what this looks like take a look at this Ultimaker PVA Explained - Water-soluble support materialWhat’s next in this market - maybe we will finally see consumer ready printers for food, or harder materials like metals. Both are in labs/test kitchens, but neither are in mass market. I could see food 3d printer be the new addition to every grocery store line up.

5. New wave of malware - And of course new attacks are bound to be around the corner. Major retailers, provides, ISP's, banks, hospitals will be attacked and compromised. What might be different is more coordinated compromise. We've seen in the past foreign governments take a bigger role in cyberwarfare but in 2020 all those nations that started to deeply invest in STEM education will be able to reap the reward of students emerging with the right skills and tools to make security experts like myself cringe. Much like global warming we have known the day of reckoning was coming, and in 2020 we may be there in the cyberattacks front. Of all predictions I hope this one is way off…..

That's it - top 5 predictions for this year. I hope that several of the ideas I posted here do come about, and we see some really cool innovations. CES is right around the corner - and may or may not validate at least one or two of my ideas.


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