2020 predictions
2020 is coming upon us, and it's time to reflect on my 2019 predictions I made, and look forward to this coming year with another technology prediction. So let's get started - first off - a lookback to see progress in the areas I outlined, possibly no earth shattering results, but progress. 2019 retrospective - New UX - probably not as much evolution as I would have wanted to see in this area. For now, we use windows, android, IOS, and it's pretty much the same UX as it's been for a while. IoT the simple assistant - IoT continues to be the hot area of growth. I consider this more evolution than revolution. As we see IoT based technology being embedded into more and more devices. Cloud growth advances in astonishing speeds - This past year all three cloud providers made strides in the cloud worth noticing. AWS entered the quantum computing market with Bracket, introduced an in-house...